Richiger R1090 Grain Bagger.
This 10ft bagger can bag about 39, 000 bushels an hour of grain. This bagger is the best for medium to large scale farming operations because with the longest bag we sell (a 10ft x 333ft long bag) you can store up to 16, 400 bushels in just one bag.
Richiger R950MX Roller Mill Grain Bagger
This is a unique machine because it is essentially two machines in one, streamlining the process of crimping and bagging grain. Other features of the Richiger R950MX include choice of roller grooves: you can choose between 4, 6, or 9 teeth per inch for different sizes of desired grain; large industrial type tires, command station to allow you to monitor brake pressure and make sure you are packing the bags well; and dividers in the hopper so both roller mills get equal amounts of grain. This way of bagging grain is dust free. All grains that are harvested with a combine can be crimped with the Richiger R950MX bagger. In regards to moisture, Cereals are generally bagged at 30%-40% moisture, pulses at 30%-35%, and corn around 25%-33%